In-person: Friday, November 3 – Sunday, November 5, 2023, Austin, Texas
Online: Friday, December 1 – Sunday, December 3, 2023, via Zoom
You don’t have to live in pain, YOU CAN uncover what is keeping you stuck, overcome it and discover your powerful abilities and use them to PLAY BIG, and change your life!
Do you want to go on living like you have been? or can you imagine and create a wonderful life for yourself?
Do you want to continue to play small, yearning to make a difference but not knowing how . . . or to unleash yourself and consciously create change in your life and in the world?
Do you struggle with loneliness … or experience the rich relationships you crave on a deeper level?
Do you feel that what you say doesn’t really matter to the ones you love… or learn how to express yourself by honoring who you are and being able to communicate in a way that is respectful of others?`
Do you struggling with money and feel the same fatigue, wishful thinking and hoping for the best… or discover how to consciously create the abundance you deserve, and thrive?
Do you want to go on living like you have been? or can you imagine and create a wonderful life for yourself?
Do you want to continue to play small, yearning to make a difference but not knowing how . . . or to unleash yourself and consciously create change in your life and in the world?
Do you struggle with loneliness … or experience the rich relationships you crave on a deeper level?
Do you feel that what you say doesn’t really matter to the ones you love… or learn how to express yourself by honoring who you are and being able to communicate in a way that is respectful of others?`
Do you struggling with money and feel the same fatigue, wishful thinking and hoping for the best… or discover how to consciously create the abundance you deserve, and thrive?
Wondering why, no matter how hard you try to change what’s happening in your life, you can’t seem to stop negative patterns and create new, positive ones.
Being in constant pain or feeling physically sick.
Feeling like you simply can’t “have it all”; if you’re successful at work, your personal life suffers, and vice versa.
Trying to “fix” people or navigate relationships with unhealthy boundaries, while constantly feeling drained and exhausted because you’re giving while others are taking, and it seems like no one truly understands you.
Living paycheck to paycheck, despite working so hard.
Beating yourself up, comparing yourself to others or to where you “should be,” and never feeling satisfied or fulfilled.
An older soul is sensitive, caring, and innocent-hearted . . . someone with an innate need to grow. Older souls have done a lot of work in other lives, as well as in the current one.
Yet because of their desire to help others to make a difference in the world they may struggle with boundaries, co-dependent relationships, and the desire to hide.
They are generally hyper-sensitive with an awareness they can’t explain … and often feel greatly alone, because others misunderstand them.
If so, I’m glad you’re here! Through years of personal experience and education, I’ve developed specific tools for transforming your life.
Without the emotional and physical hurt
Without judging yourself or others
Without struggling
Give me three days of your time, and I will show you exactly how to get started.
In-person: Friday, November 3 – Sunday, November 5, 2023, Austin, Texas
Online: Friday, December 1 – Sunday, December 3, 2023, via Zoom
Sign up for the VIP PASS and save $200 on the workshop!
You see, you cannot change that which you do not know. If you don’t become aware of what you are really doing (not what you think you are doing) and what you are creating in your life, you’ll stay stuck in the same patterns.
During our time together, I will guide you through a powerful process that will help you see life through a clearer lens, so you can free yourself from your old identity and create a new, empowering one.
Are ready to discover the abilities you’ve earned and begin learning how to hone your power to transform your life and change the world.
Are tired of feeling like you don’t quite fit in, and want to feel comfortable in your skin, in your relationships, and in this world.
Want to feel free … free to shed the drama, be your authentic self, and enjoy true abundance while living a life you love!
Are ready to discover the superpowers you came into this life with and learn how to use them to get the life you want?
Are tired of feeling like you don’t quite fit in, and want to feel comfortable in your skin, in your relationships, and in this world.
Want to feel free … free to shed the drama, be your authentic self, and enjoy true abundance while living a life you love!
Not only will you finally feel at peace in your own life, but you’ll also experience an incredible sense of freedom.
When I was 11, a Southern Baptist pastor came to visit my grandmother. After a short while, I was praying the sinner’s prayer and asked Jesus into my heart.
Literally overnight, everything about me changed. I began communicating with God/Source on a level no one realized.
In junior high and high school, other kids came to me for counsel, and I gave them guidance and information I couldn’t possibly know without the connection I had.
In my twenties, I started scanning people’s bodies and laying my hands on them.
Through my connection with God/Source, I was able to heal them of every health issue you can imagine.
People weren’t always as excited as I was by this healing. Sometimes, it lasted only for a short while, and sometimes for several months,
before recurring or showing up as another illness … and that traumatized me.
I asked God why this was so, and I heard that I wasn’t getting to the root of what caused their illnesses.
I’ve since learned that every single health issue we experience is connected to something in the emotional realm.
When I was 11, a Southern Baptist pastor came to visit my grandmother.
After a short while, I was praying the sinner’s prayer and asked Jesus into my heart.
Literally overnight, everything about me changed.
I began communicating with God/Source on a level no one realized.
In junior high and high school, other kids came to me for counsel, and I gave them
guidance and information I couldn’t possibly know without the connection I had.
In my early twenties, I discovered that I could scan people’s bodies and tell them what health issues they had and would ask if they wanted to be healed. When they said “Yes”, and they always did, I would lay my hands on them and they would be miraculously be healed of whatever the issue was. Cancer disappeared, masses went away, the heart started functioning normally and much more.
Most of them walked away and never came back to me healed and living their lives, but there were a few of them who developed other issues that may not have been terminal, but were going to be there for the rest of their lives and that troubled me greatly.
I asked God why this was so, and heard that I wasn’t getting to the root of what caused their illness.
I’ve since learned that every single health issue we experience
is connected to something in the emotional realm that we haven’t yet healed.
I’ve seen this thousands of times in my own life.
I went through several painful relationships and more than one marriage, each of which taught me profound and amazing lessons. In my last relationship, my partner introduced me to a man who took everything I had, causing me to be homeless.
I learned how to self-abuse and believe me when I say that I was good at it. I tied myself figuratively to a whipping post and beat myself mercilessly… I felt like I should have known better, done better, sound familiar?
Through lots of introspection, reflection and doing the personal work to get free – realizing how co-dependent I was, that my lack of boundaries meant that I got taken advantage of and much more, I began to heal from the inside out. I’d been doing this work since I was 11 years old and gathering intelligence – the truth about the mind, body and spirit and how the psychology, emotional trauma we create and much more could be changed with breakthroughs that set us all free.
Subsequently, I developed methods and techniques that work because they are based on spiritual truths, universal laws and the games we are all playing here. I started to play them well with this knowledge and want to share it with anyone who has suffered without knowing how to get out of their own prison.
Many of my techniques mirror those from Shamanic, Chinese, and Russian trainings, and I use them to help my clients in exactly the way they need … simply by revealing the truth to them, so they can choose their new path forward!
I’ve seen the impact of healing the subconscious in the lives of those people, too.
I’ve worked with families to dissolve conflicts, with couples to find healing (whether that means communicating better or leaving the relationship), and with individuals to create profound transformation.
And now, I’m going to share my process and tools with you.
During this powerful session, you’ll have an opportunity to ask me questions and receive intuitive guidance. I’ll also go into depth about how you can create real change in your life and what to look for to continue your forward motion.
Segment 1:
Through an intense interactive process, you’ll work in partners/groups and discover what is keeping you stuck. You’ll begin to break down the walls you’ve built, thus instigate your healing.
Segment 2:
I will personally give intuitive segments on the stage with attendees and will teach, share, and help you to see how to do this for yourself. You will be able to uncover truths about yourself and make new choices based on the truths that are shared. All for one and one for all.
Segment 3:
During this powerful session, you’ll have an opportunity to ask me questions and receive personal intuitive guidance that leads you to setting yourself free and getting the breakthroughs that will transform your life.
You’ll also receive more in-depth insight that you can carry with you to make even more change and learn how to use your life to work on your curriculum and overcome it, so you don’t have to experience it again.
During this powerful session, you’ll have an opportunity to ask me questions and receive intuitive guidance. I’ll also go into depth about how you can create real change in your life and what to look for to continue your forward motion.
Your private 50-minute consultation with Tammy
VIP seating at the 3-day event
A fun evening planned just for you and you’ll find out just before the in-person workshop.
Gift from Tammy
*Limited slots only
Your private one hour consultation with Tammy
Digital Gift from Tammy
*Limited slots only
If you’re ready to make a serious life change, Tammy is for you. She guides you with patience and love. She covered me with a sweetness that to this day has not left me. I feel protected and that she walks with me. The light that radiates from her eyes drills to the core of your soul. She’s not one to play with, though. She means business. Make sure you’re ready for change, because it will happen. If you get a chance, read her book, The Inmate and the Medium. I love Tammy. She is a professional woman. Be ready to step up your game and level-up.
“I wanted to let you know that your classes, healings, mentoring session, etc. has unequivocally changed my life. Tammy, thank you for being so brave, courageous, trusting and so connected to God that, through you, I have skyrocketed to new realms of change, love, and light …thank you for coming into my life.”
“Tammy, I am so grateful for YOU! I started the year getting through the daily grind, doing what others expected, not tending to me, unaware of. . .how out of alignment I was. I was reading books, trying Reiki, yoga, and whatever I could do to feel better. But nothing was really doing the trick. It all felt like Band-Aids. Then the pandemic hit … I was finally in a place I could slow down and sit with myself and contemplate more about everything. I signed up for the Confusion to Clarity Six-Week Program, then I felt as though the work had really begun, and I started being able to open up and dive deep to finally rid myself of the baggage I was carrying. The work we did was life-changing. My perspective has changed, what I know as truth has changed, how I love myself has changed, EVERYTHING has changed. I find myself really enjoying present moments more deeply and truthfully than I ever thought possible. I am actually looking forward to the holidays, which is something I haven’t said since I was a little girl. I now believe I have the power to overcome so much more, and there is so much more out there for me. I know our work isn’t done yet, and I can’t wait to continue together.”
“I had two consultations with Tammy (so far) and they had a deep, deep, positive impact on me. She combines personal coaching with intuitive reading and energy healing – a rare combination. And she is very effective at it – amongst the best! During my phone consultations, she was able to accurately read me, point out key challenges, go in-depth to draw out subconscious beliefs and then give intuitively guided actionable steps. If you feel called to connect with her, do not hesitate!”
I have been teaching these tools to my clients for a long time, and the in-depth training and experience you’ll receive during this three-day workshop is valued at $4,997.
This is NOT a pitch-fest with shallow information and lots of offers.
It is an intensive, interactive experience that will literally change your life as it peels back the layers and reveals your truest, most powerful self.
It’s so important, and so effective, that I want to make it available to as many individuals as possible. I want you to experience deep, rich relationships, personal and professional satisfaction, and the power of creating precisely what you want … all with ease.
That’s why I’m asking for an investment of just $597 for this three-day event.
I won’t waste your time justifying the investment … because I know it will pay off. If you attend the training and do the work, you will have what you need to start changing your life.
I have been teaching these tools to my clients for a long time, and the in-depth training and experience you’ll receive during this three-day workshop is valued at $4,997.
This is NOT a pitch-fest with shallow information and lots of offers.
It is an intensive, interactive experience that will literally change your life as it peels back the layers and reveals your truest, most powerful self.
It’s so important, and so effective, that I want to make it available to as many individuals as possible. I want you to experience deep, rich relationships, personal and professional satisfaction, and the power of creating precisely what you want … all with ease.
That’s why I’m asking for an investment of just $497 for this three-day event.
I won’t waste your time justifying the investment … because I know it will pay off. If you attend the training and do the work, you will have what you need to start changing your life.
“Tammy De Mirza is a Godsend. She’s the real deal when it comes to intuitive healing. I was directed to her by a dear friend during a most difficult transitional time in my life. Tammy was able to untangle my situation and bring clarity using her uncanny visionary talents. The word that comes to mind is ‘magical.’ When our hour-long session was over. I knew I’d received more emotional and physical healing than what I could have achieved in five plus years of the traditional healing methods I’ve used in the past. I was completely amazed.”
“Tammy is an amazing intuitive. I have just had a few sessions with her, but every one of them leaves me with a lot of transformational material. She is very wise and intuitive, and she shares that generously. Her level of integrity is admirable, and she is an inspiration to everyone following their life purpose.”
“For as long as I’ve known my wife, there was something that I never fully understood but clearly felt she was dealing with. At first, I thought it was just the emotional unease that comes with change, getting married, switching jobs, having children, and basic ups and downs. Over time, I came to understand that while she did her best to assure me she was fine, this was only a mask hiding the battle she was waging with deep-rooted issues. When my wife told me about her plan to start working with Tammy De Mirza to unravel what she was dealing with, I was guardedly optimistic, I hoped for the best while preparing for status quo. I truly wasn’t prepared for just how impactful the Life Transformation Program was for her and ultimately to myself. I saw a shift in her quality of life almost immediately. It’s now been months since she started her journey with Tammy, and every day, I see improvements to her outlook on life, renewed vigor to pursue her dreams, and most importantly, a consistent temperament to life. In hindsight, I can honestly say she is a new person who I’m just now meeting for the first time in our lives. I can’t thank Tammy enough for the changed she’s made in my wife’s life, and ultimately, us as a family.”
If you’re like so many of my clients, you’ve gone through life knowing that you’re different. Maybe you’ve used words or phrases like more sensitive, intuitive, wanting to help, playing small, feeling stuck …
However you define it, those of us with older souls often have work to do to untangle our abilities and begin using them wisely, to make a difference in the world and to create lives of freedom.
The first step is to see yourself clearly, so you can then consciously heal your wounds and move on, transforming yourself and your life from the inside out.
This workshop is where the work begins.
Friday, November 3 – Sunday, November 5, 2023 Austin, Texas
“When I met Tammy, I was very confused about why my husband would have an affair and leave me and our family for what appeared on the surface to be a much worse situation. She helped me to understand what was really going on between us that I was not aware of and how the relationship was no longer serving me. Tammy also explained why it had deteriorated, and she helped me to take responsibility for the decisions (known and unknown) I was making in my life to position me for the next stage. Because of our work together, I have been able to fully forgive my ex-husband and help my son to do so. We now have the best relationship we have ever had. For the first time, we have a completely honest relationship, where we just love each other, although we do not want to be married. This has been a wonderful gift to ourselves and our families, and I feel we will be friends for the rest of our lives. He has been there for me in ways he was never there for me when we were ‘officially together.’”
“Dearest Tammy, I just wanted to thank you for who and what you are in my life. I don’t think that most people understand how dramatically your life can change when there is someone like you, who lovingly penetrates and gets to the bottom of the issues that hold us back, even if we never knew they existed, all from your unique spiritual insights. It is almost like you are a super Psychiatrist Psychotherapist who can perform emotional surgery with laser precision to identify, clarify, and help us to forgive in order to heal for peace of mind and true happiness …”
“I first came across Tammy in an interview on YouTube. I have been on the healing journey for years and years facing destructive patterns from a tumultuous childhood. In that time, I have let money slip away on modalities and teachers that did not help me get to the root of my issues or assist me in any notable shifts. I recognized profound wisdom being spoken as soon as I heard Tammy speak about her curriculum and healing. I booked a phone call with her as soon as I could and my first session with her was remarkable. I felt completely seen, understood and held at a high level. I knew I could trust her guidance and felt nothing but love as we explored the themes, I was ready to work with and change. Not that it is easy to dive in that deeply… it is exactly what I needed and had been searching for. One year later, I can trace many shifts in my life back to that session. If you have any doubts that investing in a healing teacher is going to give you the results you want, Tammy will prove them wrong. You will thank yourself for investing in YOU to work with a true and rare master in this life. Nothing but love and blessings. And thank you Tammy for all that you do!!!