Segment 1:
Through an intense interactive process, you’ll work in partners/groups and discover what is keeping you stuck. You’ll begin to break down the walls you’ve built, thus instigate your healing.
Segment 2:
I will personally give intuitive segments on the stage with attendees and will teach, share, and help you to see how to do this for yourself. You will be able to uncover truths about yourself and make new choices based on the truths that are shared. All for one and one for all.
Segment 3:
During this powerful session, you’ll have an opportunity to ask me questions and receive personal intuitive guidance that leads you to setting yourself free and getting the breakthroughs that will transform your life.
You’ll also receive more in-depth insight that you can carry with you to make even more change and learn how to use your life to work on your curriculum and overcome it, so you don’t have to experience it again.